
리뷰 네비게이션



문서 위치


박사 23기 조윤하님 KCI저널에 1번째 논문 게재

  • 구글

학과관리자 | 조회 3 | 2025-03-07 09:52

본문 내용

고층아파트 화재의 RSET 비교를 통한 피난안전성 분석

An Analysis of Evacuation by RSET in the Event of Fire in High-Rise Apartment


Apartments such as those on the 29th floor are generally classified as high-rise buildings; however,

they may be excluded from certain safety regulations since they do not meet the legal definition of

"high-rise" buildings. According to the Korean Building Act, buildings with 30 or more floors are typically

regarded as high-rise buildings, warranting specific disaster prevention and safety standards.

Nevertheless, buildings between 20 and 30 floors are often excluded from high-rise building regulations,

which may lead to relatively insufficient safety standards and has been identified as a "blind spot in safety

management." Enhancing appropriate safety facilities and strengthening regulations for such buildings is

crucial, particularly in areas such as fire prevention, evacuation planning, and fire-fighting facilities. This

study compares and examines the evacuation times of designated evacuation safety zones and emergency

elevators in high-rise apartments as defined by the Building Act and in buildings constructed with floors

between 20 and 30 through evacuation simulations.

  • 구글

리뷰 네비게이션

소방공무원 시험에 강한 우석대학교 소방방재학과